Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall is Here...Enjoy it While You Can!

Thank goodness Fall still has a few days of nice weather left in it. The nights have been cold...below 30 degrees in surrounding areas. And lots of grey days. However, I was able to get James Dodsworth out in the waning sunshine for a very nice portrait session. When we started, the Northwest skies were threatening rain, but the more I shot, the more James loosened up, and the more the clouds cleared. In fact, we ended up with a beautiful evening with fantastic light. The only bummer was that light was gone quickly and early -- darkness took over by 6:45. That always takes me by surprise this time of year after I've gotten used to our 8:45 Summer sunsets. I know Winter is on its way, but I'm enjoying this Fall stuff. I just need to get out in it while it's still light out!

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