Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Oh I Never Get Sick...Oops!"

Despite often saying "I never get sick," I woke up yesterday with definite signs of a cold. Today, there's no doubt. Of course I usually say "I don't get sick"  because I believe I can escape sickness by denying it. This one snuck up on me. I was kind of low after realizing my photographer's co-op was not going to work the way I had hoped it would. I want fellowship with other art photographers -- in fact I need it -- but am not going to get it on my terms. This is one of those times that I just have to slow down, and let things happen more naturally. I've planted the seed, now I have to let it germinate. Forcing more water or more sunshine on that seed will probably just drown it.

So what does one do when self-employed, enjoy working outdoors with a camera, and you find yourself stuck inside on a day that's suddenly turned rather sunny and pleasant? How about a long round of photo editing and tackling that long-procrastinated web research? I'm looking for art conferences, festivals, and educational opportunities for the year. I'm committed to increasing my exposure in the art world this year, and taking every opportunity to network with other artists. If anyone has suggestions, let me know. 

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