Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Oh I Never Get Sick...Oops!"

Despite often saying "I never get sick," I woke up yesterday with definite signs of a cold. Today, there's no doubt. Of course I usually say "I don't get sick"  because I believe I can escape sickness by denying it. This one snuck up on me. I was kind of low after realizing my photographer's co-op was not going to work the way I had hoped it would. I want fellowship with other art photographers -- in fact I need it -- but am not going to get it on my terms. This is one of those times that I just have to slow down, and let things happen more naturally. I've planted the seed, now I have to let it germinate. Forcing more water or more sunshine on that seed will probably just drown it.

So what does one do when self-employed, enjoy working outdoors with a camera, and you find yourself stuck inside on a day that's suddenly turned rather sunny and pleasant? How about a long round of photo editing and tackling that long-procrastinated web research? I'm looking for art conferences, festivals, and educational opportunities for the year. I'm committed to increasing my exposure in the art world this year, and taking every opportunity to network with other artists. If anyone has suggestions, let me know. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

People who need people

I am one of those people who needs people. As a landscape/nature photographer, I often work alone. When I shoot portraits, I enjoy my time working with my subject, their friends, and families. But then after a shoot, I often spend far too much time alone again working at my computer.

Our current economic recession seems to have caused a lot of people to pull away. To retreat into their shell for comfort and safety. Like a turtle. I decided to do the opposite. First I joined a co-op art gallery so I could be around other artists to exhibit (and hopefully) sell my work. As happens with many ventures associated with the arts, the gallery was already in hard times when I joined, and ceased operations at the end of 2010.

Now I've decided to start my own co-op project. Is that an oxymoron? The truth is, it was my idea, I organized things, but it does not belong to me. We're still in very early stages of deciding what we are and what we're going to do, but I decided to use this space to declare publicly that we exist. We don't have a name yet. But after our third meeting, next week, we will know our purpose. I'll let you know more later -- including the name.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Looking forward to Spring

It's hard to believe that Spring is coming -- it's been a cold, wet Winter here in Washington. But it's official; I just found out if I want to exhibit at the Olympia, WA Spring Arts Walk I need to have a venue and get my application in by February 11. The best venues fill up fast, so I need to find a place pronto, and decide what new work to show. I'll be looking for a space tomorrow, and just finished up the prototype for the attached wall hanging. This little dandelion will be 40'' x 7' (that's feet tall). It will be made up of 8 - 10x40 inch metal panels wired together. Although I took the picture last Fall, it's the perfect image to symbolize Spring. Now wish me luck in finding the right place for my Spring show, and this little guy's likely going to be the star of the show.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's 2011. Let's see if I consistently have something worth saying...

At the last minute last year, I threw together (and sold) a calendar using my images of DuPont. It turned out pretty good, and I sold enough to make it worthwhile. This year, however, I am resolved to make it a 10 month project in which I will take pictures throughout the year with the intent of including them in next year's calendar. In short, I resolve to be more professional, and to produce an even better calendar for 2011. Here is my first image from this Winter in DuPont, WA. More to come (obviously).