Saturday, June 8, 2013

Have not kept up with my blog... sorry all you faithful readers. But now at least I have a word map of the posts I have done. I have been busy photographing. Now I'll have to start posting about it again!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jackson Scott goes to China...well sort of!

The truth is that despite good relations with our local Mayor, and a good amount of begging to act as baggage handler and official trip photographer, Jackson Scott Studios is not going to China. But our pictures are on their way right now as part of a presentation introducing DuPont to its sister city of Qionghai (Hunan Provence).

Somewhat like the historic trip that pop group Wham! took to China in 1985, this marks the first time that Western photography (by Jackson Scott Studios) has been allowed past the Great Wall. 

Now we have to figure out how to promote the heck out of this... oh, I guess we've already started!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Squeezed in One Last Fall Shoot...Barely!

As usual, the Northwest wind came up and blew all (or most) of the beautiful leaves off the trees. But not before I got in one last fall leaf photoshoot. Super-fun couple Collin and Katie did a little posing in the park.

Unfortunately, DuPont groundskeepers had spent all day cleaning up the leaves the afternoon of our shoot. I would have preferred the ground was covered with leaves, but you work with what you've got. I shot from a low angle to get more of the leaves that were still on the trees behind the lovely couple. And as the sun all-too-quickly disappeared, I broke out the trusty flash.

We got some really nice pictures, and just in time. The wind came up that very night, and by the next day about half the leaves were stripped off the trees and the ground was once again completely covered.

Can't wait to hear what Collin and Katie think of their photos. I just feel fortunate to have gotten them done before the leaves were gone and the rain took over. Nice timing!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Just 'Cause You Say It, Don't Make It So...

In my ongoing attempt at "branding" my business, I find many examples in the world of what not to do. For instance, many experts say "Fake it 'till you make it," but if there's a major disconnect between what you say you are, and the reality that your public sees, it's going to be very difficult to make your message believable.

Authenticity is the key. And knowing what you are -- without trying too hard to be something you're not --  is an important component.

As for myself, I'm not a "Chic Photographer." But if I were, I would carefully present my workspace, myself, and every aspect of my business to reflect that name. I try to stay a little closer to my reality, and hope to present myself as professional, and just a little bit funky. It's pretty much who and what I am.

Now I just have to hope that's what the people want!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall is Here...Enjoy it While You Can!

Thank goodness Fall still has a few days of nice weather left in it. The nights have been cold...below 30 degrees in surrounding areas. And lots of grey days. However, I was able to get James Dodsworth out in the waning sunshine for a very nice portrait session. When we started, the Northwest skies were threatening rain, but the more I shot, the more James loosened up, and the more the clouds cleared. In fact, we ended up with a beautiful evening with fantastic light. The only bummer was that light was gone quickly and early -- darkness took over by 6:45. That always takes me by surprise this time of year after I've gotten used to our 8:45 Summer sunsets. I know Winter is on its way, but I'm enjoying this Fall stuff. I just need to get out in it while it's still light out!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Inspiration in Nature

There's nothing like wandering around in nature to find inspiration. Maybe this will be my entry in the next Urban Forest Project.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When Buildings Collide

I can now bear witness to what happens when buildings collide!